Loading Java Strings into an Oracle Table

Sometimes when analyzing Java heap dumps it can be helpful to have all the the strings in a Java application in a relational database so that you have SQL available for analysis.

All strings from a heap dump can be extracted with Eclipse MAT using the following OQL query.

SELECT toString(s), s.@retainedHeapSize
FROM java.lang.String s

The result can be exported to a CSV called strings.csv.

If you are using string deduplication it may be worthwhile to also extract the address of of the backing character array.

SELECT toString(s), s.@retainedHeapSize, s.value.@objectAddress
FROM java.lang.String s

We need to create a table where we store the strings. We use the VARCHAR2 data type instead of CLOB so that we can use GROUP BY expressions. Unfortunately that means we can not analyse strings that are larger than 4000 bytes in the database encoding.

CREATE TABLE dump_string (
  string_value VARCHAR2(4000),
  retained_size NUMBER(9)

We use SQL*Loader to load the file into the database table. For that a control file has to be created, we name ours strings.ctl.

INFILE 'strings.csv'
INTO TABLE dump_string
(string_value, retained_size)
sqlldr SCOTT/TIGER@ORCL control=strings.ctl rows=100000 errors=2000000

You should check the error log for the rejected strings.

You can then run queries like the following.

SELECT s.string_value, sum(s.retained_size), count(1)
FROM dump_string s
GROUP BY s.string_value
ORDER BY sum(s.retained_size) DESC;

Once you have identified intersting strings you can find them again in MAT using the following OQL query.

FROM java.lang.String s
WHERE toString(s) = "interesting value"